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Horse Shows and Competitions

Horse Illustrated readers attend shows and competitions in a variety of disciplines. If you want to keep up with news from major horse events and learn how to prepare your horse for an event, then enjoy this category within our archives. Topics include articles from competitors in various disciplines, winners of big events (e.g., national championships in various disciplines), ways to make competing fun, grooming for show-ring success, how to compete and maintain balance in life, how to showcase your horse at an event the best you can, and so much more. When you are an equestrian competitor, regardless of at what level, you are part of a unique lifestyle.

Take a Trip Backstage with the Horse & Country Livestream Crew

As equestrian sports continue to grow in popularity, there are more and more exciting competitions taking place around the world…

2 weeks ago

Improve Your Dressage Score

You trot down center line, ride the pattern of your dressage test, and soon receive your score. Your placing in…

4 months ago

Introducing the World Equestrian Center in Ocala

For equestrians, the “most magical place on earth” isn’t found in Orlando, Fla., but a couple of hours north. Known…

5 months ago

Calm Your Horse Show Nerves

One of the biggest challenges you can face as a rider is trying to effectively incorporate your practice sessions while…

7 months ago

Equestrian with Disability Achieves Great Success

When award-winning para equestrian Lauren Reischer was born 24 years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated…

8 months ago

The Ins and Outs of Being a Sponsored Rider

As things continue to get more expensive, it’s no surprise that lots of riders have looked for creative ways to…

9 months ago

Beat Inflation at Horse Shows

Everything has raised in price over the last couple years, but we have especially felt it this last year. Gas…

9 months ago

Ace Your Western Riding Pattern

Marked by fluid lead changes around a cone-marked course, western riding is a challenging class for all-around competitors. But with…

9 months ago

Thoroughbred Horses Find a Second Calling

The Thoroughbred horse is the fastest in the world, and it’s no wonder. Since the 1700s, Thoroughbreds have been bred…

10 months ago

Guide to a Smooth Reining Rundown

To reach the point in the reining arena where you’ll slide to a stop, you must first build up speed…

1 year ago